MAYAN GARDEN CLUB GARDENING TIP FOR April 2017 Growing Boat-Lily, –Tradescantia Spathacea This plant is also called Moses in a Boat, Mother-in-law-tongue and other [...]
NEWS FROM THE MAYAN GARDEN CLUB December 2016 The Mayan Garden club should now be called the Mayan Garden Gourmet Club. After a great Day of the Dead at Muriel [...]
LOCUSTS Ahead, Duck and Run For Cover October 2016 Perhaps you noticed, a few weeks ago, a sudden influx into our area of very large grasshoppers, flying [...]
Out our backdoor —— is a gray fox! The fully grown gray fox has a mix of white, red black and grey fur, while the new born pups are brownish-black. The reddish-brown [...]
How to Propagate Hibiscus – Step 1 – find the end of a stem that does not have buds or active flowers and cut it long enough to make one or more 6-8 inch pieces. [...]
La Flor de Nochebuena (Poinsettias) We are used to seeing Poinsettias only at Christmas in US and Canada but Poinsettias are indigenous to Mexico. They started here and grow [...]
Tarantula, Giant Spider Terror or Sweet Fuzzy Friend? It’s large…it’s furry…it has eight legs…and it’s coming…to eat your insects!! *screams* Yes, it’s a [...]
Spider Monkeys live in the tropical forests of Central and South America from southern Mexico to Brazil. They are critically endangered and at extremely high risk of [...]