The Mayan Garden Club meet at La Buena Vida for the March meeting. In April, there will not be a business meeting but we will go to Puerto Morales for a tour of the Botanical Gardens.
Several new ideas were discussed:
- We are considering having Hilario, a gardener from Chan Chemuyil, speak to the Club about local fauna and a member will follow up on that.
- Bev presented three ideas for Garden Club logo. All were great and the club decided on the red hibiscus. That has been added to the web site.
- Xel-Ha, a nearby park and recreation area, has a plant nursery and we are exploring, touring that area.
- There was much discussion about helping develop a park in North Akumal. Below are some of the ideas that were discussed.
Suggested name, Akumal Ecological Park
- Enlisting the interest and help of local people, including children, so they can learn about the local plants/an eye towards ecological stewardship
- Suggested for time of the first park clean-up, first weekend in June (6 and 7), start at 8am; Sherwood to do write-up for promotions. No further information on that to date.
- Several issues to still be resolved before we can go forward.
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