Hundreds of iridescent colored flowers cover the bougainvillea. Varieties come in shades of red, white, pink, orange and other new variegated shades. Los Pinos has a great selection. You can see them all over the road and in the jungle growing in trees, on fences . They are usually a vine but can be shaped into a free standing plant. Plant in good drainage and full sun. They also do well in pots. They do not need much care. Fertilize after the blooming has ceased with a 6-12-6 fertilizer if available and then water to encourage new growth. When growth occurs, cut back on water and fertilizer to encourage blooms
This prolific vine had yellow bell shaped flowers produced on a vigorous climbing vine. It needs a tall sturdy support. It need full sun and fertile, well-drained soil to do best. Light applications of a slow release fertilizer or phosphorus increases the blooming. It can be planted in a pot but will soon outgrow it in one season.
Down here Cannas multiply like crazy. They have large blooms on stalk like plants with lush foliage similar to banana trees. If you buy two plants, within eight months you will have fifty of more if you keep dividing them. They need sun to part sun and can be planted in a flower bed or in a wetlands. After the flowers bloom, remove the seed pods and they will bloom all year. Red is the most prolific color but they come in a variety of colors and sizes. The do well in a pot but will need to be divided soon. To insure you get the color you want buy them when they are blooming. Be prepared to share the divisions with your neighbors.
This plant can be shaped in to a bush or a tree. It can easily grow by cuttings. Giant trumpet shaped flowers of white or yellow can reach 12 to 18 inches long. Plant in sun to part sun in well-drained soil. In the dry summer, it needs water to flower vigorously. And it will keep blooming. One of the most incredible and show stopping plants.
Blue Plumbago
is filled with sky blue flowers all season long on canes that give it a shrub look. They can be pruned in to a shrub or allowed to grow plus they do well in pots. They need loose soil and sun. The blue flowers are a welcome addition to the tropical garden .
This is just a quick snapshot of some of the easiest flowering plants available. They are many more.
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