This is Our Third Year!!




The Mayan Garden and “Gourmet” Club had exciting plans for the next few months. The Gourmet has been added by some because of the great food we have and fun besides learning about gardens. Everyone is welcome but RSVP is required. Men and families are always welcome. You are welcome if you are a permanent resident or a visitor. WE ARE NOT A GROUP OF SHERRY DRINKING LADIES SITTING AROUND with our feet in a bucket of ice!! We are a group of men and women interested in the area and always interested in what is new.


From an idea conceived by Dan and Marguerite only three years ago, we have grown from eight people in attendance to over thirty or more. We are the largest and biggest independent club in the area and the only Garden Club. We have sister clubs in the United States and a wonderful web site at where you can explore what we are about, we take trips and every month meet in the home of a member , not in a bar. Although Tequila is always present at our meetings and great food.


We contribute articles. Written by members,  to Akumal Now  on garden tips and Out Our Backdoor .Individuals in the area work hard to make us a success.  Thank you Kai for the web site work always.

For some of our gardening events, we are listening to Paul , our horticulturist at Colleens, learning about orchids at Shirley’s in April , having a plant swap at Lydia’s in May.  Here is our information in meeting to come.


Jan 15-*a beach day at Colleens at Soliman Bay with a gourmet menu prepared by Colleen.


Hungarian Mushroom soup

Fruit Salad



Mango or Pineapple Fruit juice

Tequilla and Grand Marnier to make a Margarita!

If anyone desires wine or a special beer … please bring…

Feb 19- Tour of the beautiful gardens at Skip Astrove’s home near Xcaret and enjoy a Pot luck supper


March- traveling to Akumal Sur to be the guests of Judy and Tom Baxter on their lovely estate with wonderful landscaping


April- Shirley will host us at Sirenis and we will learn about orchids


May -We will have our annual Plant Swap at the home of Lydia in Rancho Santa Teresita so start your plants now


So come join us, No membership dues just come. For more information and contact [email protected]













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