Mayan Garden Club Tip of the Month April 2018 BROMELIADS One of the best known bromeliad is the pineapple which can be grown from the top of another [...]
Mayan Garden club enjoys a Gourmet Lunch and social at Judy’s Home We enjoyed the culinary delights of members and the home of Tom and Judy Baxter on Thursday, Feb. [...]
THE MAYAN GARDEN CLUB INVITES YOU TO JOIN US FOR BRUNCH AND A TOUR OF LOS PINOS TUESDAY January 23rd at 10am If you have wondered who we are, come meet us for [...]
Mayan Garden Club -uses of Herbs you can grow This month we are privileged to share the notes of Dr. Kirk, N.D. on the naturopathic use of herbs for healing and also some [...]
Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius) The leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius) lizard has been captive bred in the United States for more than 30 years and [...]
Local Plants Sapote Tree The fruit of this type of sapote tree is divine…The fruit tastes like a pear with a hint of cinnamon.. The fruit sometimes has 1 to 5 seeds [...]