In April, the Mayan Garden Club was honored to have Dr. Joanie Kirk teach us about the medicinal uses of herbs. We had a great turnout and everyone was treated to glasses of special herb teas and given a goodie bag full of herbs and teas to take home.
Dr. Kirk has an amazing knowledge in both the field of Naturopathic Medicine and the inner workings of the body, mind, and soul. With 25 years of experience in the use of homeopathy, botanical medicine, nutrition, and the mental and physical effects of healing, she is the expert to use if you want to avoid the side effects of conventional medicine and get great results using traditional medicine. Her on line consultation is a welcome addition to her many patients who live all over the world. It was the most popular program we ever have had. Her contacts are below, [email protected] www.joaniekirknd.com .
Continuing our study of herbs, our May meeting will be Tuesday May 23 at 1Pm at Oscar and Lalo’s restaurant. We will tour their herb garden, learn about many uses of herbs and then conclude with our annual plant swap.RSVP to [email protected]
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