Events and Meetings

March 2015 Meeting

March 30, 2015 mgcadmin 0

The Mayan Garden Club meet at La Buena Vida for the March meeting. In April, there will not be a business meeting but we will go to Puerto Morales for a tour of the Botanical […]

Papaya Tree Leaf
Local Plants


March 1, 2015 mgcadmin 0

Scientific name: Carica Papaya L. This tree is native to tropical America and will reach 3-10 meters. They can be started from seeds and grow quickly. Picture, the papaya tree started from seeds in a […]

Gardening Tips

Planting a Pineapple

March 1, 2015 mgcadmin 1

Next time you bring home a pineapple, keep the top and grow another Here are the steps Buy a pineapple and cut off the top leaves with about one inch of fruit. Plant the pineapple […]