
Out Our Backdoor – Tree Crickets

March 4, 2016 mgcadmin 0

TREE-CRICKET Is one of the small, almost colorless crickets of the genus Œcanthus, specifically the snowy cricket (Œ. niveus), whose two-syllabled rhythmic night-song is one of the most familiar summer noises in the Yucatan. It is […]


Out Our Backdoor – Lightning Bugs

March 4, 2016 mgcadmin 0

Lightning Bugs or Fireflies Remember catching these in a jar with holes on the top?  You probably learned the hard and sad way to release them after a few hours. These are not really “flies” but […]


Out Our Back Door – Coatis

January 29, 2016 mgcadmin 0

This month the Mayan Garden Club is adding a creative outlet for capturing some of the unique wildlife in our area. If all goes well we might see more of these in the future. This […]